The Hardest Credit Cards to Get
There are some credit cards that offer luxury, convenience and exceptional rewards, but acquiring them is often challenging. These ultra-exclusive cards are typically invitation-only, with high annual fees and, in some cases, no spending limit (see the Centurion Card from American Express, also known as the Amex Black Card).
Many of these creditrewardperks have a minimum income requirement and require excellent credit to be approved. Credit card issuers also often look at an applicant’s financial portfolio and assets, including other cards you hold, investments, real estate, vehicles and more to determine if you’re the right fit for their most exclusive offerings.
For the average consumer, a good way to start building credit is by becoming an authorized user on a family member’s or friend’s existing card account. This can help you build credit history while still getting access to a variety of benefits, such as an extended 0% APR period on major purchases or valuable cash back.
Top Perks of the Nike Credit Card for Shoppers
If you’re looking for a new card that offers exceptional rewards, consider the Capital One Venture X Rewards Credit Card, Citi Strata Premier Credit Card or Chase Sapphire Reserve Credit Card. These cards are all hard to get, but they provide substantial rewards that more than offset their annual fees. Keep in mind that there are many other important factors to consider when choosing a new credit card, such as the amount of fees and interest you’ll pay if you carry a balance.