Newbie Gardening – Tips to Help You Get Started
Starting your own Newbie Gardening can be one of the most rewarding things you do, whether you’re planting fragrant florals or delicious veggies. But even experienced gardeners encounter challenges and setbacks from time to time. That’s why it’s so important to stick with your plan and learn from mistakes.
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One of the biggest mistakes that newbies make is trying to tackle too much at once. The best way to grow your own garden is to start small and work your way up. It’s also a good idea to choose a location that’s easy to maintain. This will give you the time to really focus on the plants and enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Figure out your growing zone and first and last frost dates. These are essential pieces of information to know, especially if you want to grow anything that’s frost sensitive. Then, once you know when to plant, you can decide whether to sow seedlings from seeds or purchase plants ready for transplant.
Another thing that new gardeners often struggle with is understanding their garden’s light and shade patterns. A garden that gets too much sun can become overgrown and weedy, while a shaded area will be too cool for most edible plants to thrive. A soil test will help you understand the specifics of your yard’s conditions, including its pH and organic matter content. As a beginner, you should also use a gentle fertilizer with low NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) numbers that won’t over-fertilize your plants.